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Hello Spence,
First I would also like to wish everyone a "True" Happy Thanksgiving. I am just curious Spence. It appears that you gave this Satsang 10 Ayaz and the King on 9/12/2004. The central theme of the satsang was the "Power of Peace", resulting from inner action, awakening and struggle. Mahmoud (of Ghazni) and (Malik) Ayaz actually lived roughly during the period between 970-1040+ AD.
Mahmoud of Ghazni ruled an extensive military empire which extended from North Western Iran to the Punjab. During the rule of Mahmoud, he invaded and plundered the rich cities and towns in Medieval India 17 times, using the spoils to build his capital in Ghazni. Mahmoud pledged a jihad and a raid on India every year. "His expeditions against India were not motivated by religion, but by love of plunder."
Malik Ayaz was a Georgian Slave who rose to the rank of Officer/General in the army of the King. He was eventually awarded a kingship and the throne of Lahore. I do not believe that the conquered would have looked upon King Mahmoud and Malik Ayaz in possession of a spiritual bent.
There are a number of stories in the Mathnawi about Mahmoud and his favorite slave. How do you reconcile the conflict between the beautiful, deep, insightful, mystical writing of Rumi and the history of King Mahmoud?....Or do they even need to be reconciled?
Best Wishes,


Hi Anonymous!
The internet is filled with different versions of the story of Mahmoud and Ayaz. I only reiterated those from Rumi and Sir Edward Arnold. They had a more romantic, spiritual take. I love the irony that in reality the man was a tyrant and Ayaz a slave so beaten down and abused he praised his oppressor. Thank you for sharing that. In that version one might call the story an early version of the Stolkhom syndrome! The story could be re-written as the love affair of a masochist and a sadist and many of the elements would be the same. And who could really question it? Love is love. But what we have from Rumi and the poet Arnold is a beautiful and touching story about pure and innocent love: love that is beyond words, beyond any physical thing..which makes all physical things valueless in comparision. A love which raises both partners: that transforms even a King, and a loving King who can't help but fall in love with and elevate his servant, even to his own stature. Now, where are those people who actually live this way? Maybe this is really about trying to live to that standard of love ourselves, starting within ourselves. For that all real love is found. And once found, all the boundaries between you and I evaporate.


It's interesting how people can have a "different" take on the story/message being delivered. For me it symbolizes "Surrender". Not just any surrender, but surrender to the Master by the disciple, provided that the surrender is genuine and real. The Master then overlooks and ignores all his faults and imperfections. The Master's love and tenderness for the disciple who surrenders himself fully and entirely is boundless.

Many may be the tales about me that people carry,
The Master turns a deaf ear to them all.
He has turned a deaf ear to such tales,
Ever since I have surrendered myself to him.
Ignoring all my faults and sins,
He has made me his own.
I commit acts of injustice and am
Carried away by lust and anger.
Howsoever wicked the son may be,
He is, nevertheless, dear to his father.
Lustful, greedy and depraved,
Also dishonest and low-bred am I.
And yet, considering my surrender,
He has exalted me to eminence.
Such indeed, O Paltu, is his gracious
Treatment towards me.
Many be the tales about me that people carry;
My Master turns a deaf ear to them all.

Saint Paltu

Spence Tepper

Hi Anonymous!
Surrender is a beautiful quality. It is like the footprint of an elephant because it includes all other good qualities. In the process of surrender we must accept things as they are. We can do nothing with them by ourselves. We must accept that we are powerless to deal effectively with this issue or that person. Part of surrender is submission. We are giving everything to the Lord, little by little, submission by submission, until we reach a point where there is nothing else to submit but ourselves, whatever that is. As best we understand, we submit that, too.

When you enter your password you must then press the button labeled "submit" for anything at all to take place. We are submitting all the time. If we trust the world so completely, so casually, every moment of the day, as a child depends upon her mother without thought, submission has already happened, and what we call submission is just acceptance.

When we actually submit ourselves, or what we thought was ourselves, that is a very high place. It is a practice. We get better at it in time.

One cannot do that without being completely detached. But how can we become detached without acceptance and complete forgiveness? But even that is not always so.

In the effort to be with Him we then become detached. By comparison, nothing else matters, nothing else holds value. The imaginary life we call this physical reality evaporates as a carcass in a desert while our true soul bathes in the presence of the rain of His Love.

Because we are submitting in faith and adoration to a higher power, our true Master, He is now completely responsible for every breath we take, every thought. It happens in awe, in adoration, in worship. We learn through adoration and worship just what those really are. So that becomes our real and true attachment. It is only by attachment to the Master that we can become detached.

What we love washes us and creates us. Adoration is the result of submission, or maybe the cause of it. Even time is no longer linear in that place.

So it doesn't always work in that order or any order. Sometimes Surrender happens out of love, and sometimes out of exhaustion. Perhaps more often the latter. But it is all love doing the work. Love, true love, is exhausting! And yet it gives us renewed spirit! And a new identity, our Beloved! How strange this all is. And all of it, surrender.

Spence Tepper

Hi Anonymous :
I saw some time ago on the news how some mountain climbers died stranded on Everest, on their way to the top. They gave their life for their love of Everest.

What is it about Everest that took them so far from their families, their friends, their work? Did they really adore Everest so much? Wasn't mountain climbing just a hobby? Didn't it start just as a recreation? I suspect they actually knew relatively little about the actual mountain and loved it less.

Now they gave everything! Didn't they know the risk? What imaginary paradise were they running to? And what invisible thing were they fleeing into the jaws of death from?

I'm sure there is some lesson somewhere in all that. But I haven't found it yet. I'm just in awe of watching otherwise sane and accomplished adult men and women throw themselves at a cold and lifeless mountain of ice, and disappear down crevasse after crevasse, life after life.


For me Spence,
I would think it would be the unrelenting beat of the drum of Ego. That is a very hard nut to crack, and dare I say, NO ONE is going to crack that nut on their own. Just a thought. Peace.


Maybe this "surrender" by the mountain climbers in their love to the pursuit of conquering Everest can be explained thus...You know how it is said that here on the "physical plane", we are just experiencing a reflection of a reflection of a reflection of a reflection....of that which is true. So this so called "surrender" by these climbers is just a mere reflection of a reflection of a reflection of a reflection....of the goal of the "True Surrender". Let's work hard with our "Greatest" helpmate and try to achieve that "True Surrender".

Spence Tepper

Hi Anonymous
You wrote
"Let's work hard with our "Greatest" helpmate and try to achieve that "True Surrender"."


Happy New Year Spence!

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