« Even thought it all went wrong, I'll stand before the Lord of Song with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah | Main | The Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven Sayings of Mr. Mystic: alias "777" »



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Hello Spencer- totally agree. All it takes is a few good men to do nothing and the rest is history.


As a mother of three wonderful sons I very much appreciate males who are strong and also gentle, sincere and not dominated by extreme social justice warriors/feminists.

There is always a problem with extremism, either male or female and I agree with this fellow talking about this modern day attack on men.

Gillette Goes Woke and Attacks Men in "MeToo" Ad Against "Toxic Masculinity" (Reaction) (13:06)


Spence Tepper

Hi Jen
When I read the negative feedback and then watched the ad I saw a significant disconnect. I couldn't fault any of the actual events the ad depicts. I've witnessed every single one of them, and the excuses both men and women make to perpetuate these small examples of bullying.

And the positive models of how to help children learn a better way to respond are really fine.


Spence I'm just watching a youtube by Stefan Molyneux called What Pisses Me Off About the Gillette ad. I glance through the comments and I don't see the negative feedback that you see.

Stefan says: "Bullying. Harassment. Is this the best a man can get? It's only by challenging ourselves to do more, that we can get closer to our best. To say the right thing, to act the right way. We are taking action..."



Hi Spence,

It's so moving to see acts of strength.

I recently read there were an estimated 77,000 Germans put to death
for resisting Hitler not to mention the tens of thousands who perished in
the camps because they were "suspected of or actually did engage
in opposition".


Hi Spence,

This ad was clearly a marketing strategy to create outrage and it succeeded.

Please explain to me how you find 'hope' in this ad.

Dungeness even talking about Hitler now and he is moved to see acts of strength. What strength. Where. How. What kind of opposition is being found as acts of strength in this ad?

Could someone please enlighten me?


I hadn't see the video yey
but said to my wife :
"Don't you think these 26 dem representatives will attack him for
his openly groping remark to young Bush
which has
culminating in Christians jubilating
youtube 666, 5th avenue



What strength. Where. How. What kind of opposition is being found as acts of strength in this ad?

Hi Jen, I'm not sure why there's any ambiguity. Although, I didn't see all
of the video you posted, it seemed to me he was over-analyzing, even
noting the mother was "obese" more than once in his (to me) rather
irksome, petty commentary. Or did I miss something.. I didn't make it
all the way through.

Sometimes the greatest strength isn't dramatic. Just listening or
reaching out with affection can be a case of "act the right way".
Even if a word isn't said.

In Occupied Europe, it was dangerous to resist. But, even if you
weren't prepared to risk your life, you could at least examine
your actions honestly and listen to the voice of your conscience,
You could resist in any way you felt strong enough to. If nothing
else, you could resit your own mind's bullying. You could ignore
the whispers that "victims bring it on themselves" or "It's God's will".
You could pray for strength "to say the right thing, act the right


Hi guys, this is a copy of what I've just posted on the Church of the Churchless site.

I've decided I won't comment any more. Have noticed I stop the flow in the comment section when I do post something.

As a Trump fan and because I don't like radical feminism, I really don't fit in here.

So cheers to all you lefty snowflakes... its only going to get worse when the angry radical feminists take over (feminism victimises real women and demonises men imo) ...


Meditator wrote
"" But how vivid are such out of body or inside body experiences during meditation or even during sleep, their intensity, extent and duration may differ from person to person and therefore these parameters well may define the exact nature of such experiences. Meaning whether such inner experiences were hallucinations or something more real than this world - perceived in a state of more consciousness and light. If any among us who has such an intense inner experience sometimes or now can explain it further.

Posted by: Meditator | January 18, 2019 at 09:30 AM. ""


There are thousands experimenting this

It is as you described

Some are the Creator
at moments in and outside meditation

If this phenomenon was explainable it would totally diminish the Power, the Sounds & Light and Giant Glance
of the Almighty, the Being without time, without hate , without fear, ( read Jap Ji , Adi Granth)

It makes all universes dispensables
that it would be an insult almost

Only One thing can be done : . . . Participate , do it . . .
Try to Love a Saint, wherever
Stop thinking for a start

Posted by: 777 | January 19, 2019 at 03:28 AM
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Stop thinking for a start

A warning, hopefully for others who may make my mistake.
Saints say you can't suppress the mind, A modern mystic
Ishwar Puri explains thought is the heartbeat of the mind.
If continues relentlessly 24x7. a perpetual motion machine
and, if thought were to stop, the mind would die.

The goal can only be to withdraw from thoughts, not stop
them because you can't. Simran and Bhajan enable you
to withdraw... and set you free



Consider hearing different sounds all day and night with or without meditation with its source somewhere inside than outside which I may categorise as some mystical experience than may be interpreted in a different manner. As far as some lightning or else is concerned it could be agreed to an extent as not a mystical experience.

But how vivid are such out of body or inside body experiences during meditation or even during sleep, their intensity, extent and duration may differ from person to person and therefore these parameters well may define the exact nature of such experiences. Meaning whether such inner experiences were hallucinations or something more real than this world - perceived in a state of more consciousness and light. If any among us who has such an intense inner experience sometimes or now can explain it further.

Posted by: Meditator | January 18, 2019 at 09:30 AM


There are thousands experimenting this

It is as you described

Some are the Creator
at moments i, and outside meditation

If this phenomenon was explainable it would totally diminish the Power, the Sounds & Light and Giant Glance
of the Almighty, the Being without time, without hate , without fear, ( read Jap Ji , Adi Granth)

It makes all universes dispensables
that it would be an insult almost

Only One thing can be done : . . . Participate , do it . . .
Try to Love a Saint, wherever
Stop thinking as a start

Posted by: 777 | January 19, 2019 at 03:28 AM

Some of us may have become doubting meditator with a little muck spread on this path trusted for quite long.

Yet a few clarifications not about the path, HIS omnipresence,
omniscience,... but his recent worldly things will remain hanging indefinitely for those who are yet to climb to such inner levels where they can reveal HIM as plain Truth.

Anyways we are helpless mortals, cannot beg even a word from HIM on any worldly issue concerning HIM or else.

Yet it is not about the trust that HE inspires but his able predecessors who are HIS guarantors because it is they who have nominated HIM as our spiritual guide for us to reach perfection... till we merge into ONE.
Posted by: Meditator | January 19, 2019 at 05:22 AM

Anyways we are helpless mortals
No no , We are HIM

NOW ( in this chaurasi moment ) we are in the position to PRAY
HE can make us do it

The very long list ( 30 or 40 ) predecessors I defined once here
they still care. ! ! !

I see Din Dayal every day
but who would believe all that
Instead of believing the actual Lovers they go to scripture
which must be proved
Next they throw you out of blogs when the heat is to hot in the kitchen

Sar Bachan speaks of nothing than that : faim & shame
as if HE was an insulted guy on this blog

My advice is to go physically to The One and beg
If it's sincere he will give it


Copy to the outcast_blog

Posted by: 777 | January 19, 2019 at 07:03 AM

Spence Tepper

Hi Jen
There is room for all perspectives here.

The Zen of Jen and the politics of Jen are worthy.

The mind can only see from its perspective, so that is never perfectly objective.

But neither therefore is artwork. A great painting, incredible technique is not due to photo realism, but a deeper truth from the artist.

Your point that feminism can be disabling in one sense is also valid and worth air time.

So, please don't consider this a debate with winners and losers. Just a forum for expression.

If you fully express your point of view here, you've won.

When I visit an art museum I don't go thinking only one artwork is truth and the others, because they are different, must be false.

The entire museum is truth. And it is much more enjoyable to have it all there for my viewing pleasure, even if I find some more appealing than others.

So please, express to your own satisfaction your complete views here.

Our rules only have to do with how we treat each other, and not any particular philosophical, religious, political orientation.

We all benefit when there are more works in the museum on display, even the ones we don't agree with. They demand our own focus to clairify why we find that work distasteful. And others benefit from that essay.

Spence Tepper

And further more, Jen, I do consider every word here as artwork. And each author, an artist.

Like the Leonard Cohen song, every word is filled with light. Every word is holy.

There's a blaze of light in every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah

spence tepper

Hi 777
Please note a new place for your longer comments (you may refer / link readers to your longer essays on that post...who can then enjoy your thoughts en mass and comment upon them directly without moving off topic on other posts....:)


I can't promise much because I function
totally on impuls

you trade language for mystic

Love Sound & Light are never out of topic



I do copy/past on this chapter
to prevent to click 6 times "next"

another gollem initiative to attack

I was unable to react to Manjits accusations, . . so be it here


This might survive the gollem's excommunications some hours

I can an could not judge the faqir

I said and u can google it that he shouldn't gossip and slander "Holy People"
Even when he had some psychedilic events
he couldn't judge

The fact you brought him in the states doesn't change that

It's risky to slander,. . . ALWAYS


Posted by: 777 | March 03, 2019 at 03:52 AM

Slander and even simple gossip
brings definitely the bad karma of the accused on your shoulders
and pushes the eventual good karma of the slanderer
to the victim

Source. : Charan JI


Especially if done in an organized ( blog ) way. VIA INCITEMENTS

Posted by: 777 | March 03, 2019 at 03:58 AM

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Spence Tepper

Hi 777
I think your citation of Majaraji 's discouragement of gossip is excellent. Thank you.


@Spence. >. Why you don't agree with that where it should have some effect

copy the latest

s about the RSSB teachings; writing the book about Plotinus' philosophy, which made me realize that blind faith in things unseen no longer appealed to me; having closer contacts with the RSSB guru and his close associates, leading me to see that they were fallible human beings, just like me.

I'll end by observing that few people, maybe none, have left comments on this blog asking why I joined RSSB. Isn't that an equally important question? And an equally unanswerable question?

Unanswerable it may be, but I told part of my story about it in "My strange RSSB initiation story." It really was strange. Given how bizarre the circumstances were that led to me being initiated by Charan Singh, the guru at the time in 1971, it seems fitting that I'm unable to give a simple answer to why I left RSSB.

I did. I'm pleased that I did. I'm more content now. That's what matters to me.

Brian Hines in 1970

Can't resist sharing an (unposed) photo that a friend snapped of me back in 1970, I believe it was, when I was teaching yoga and meditation after taking classes from the crazed Greek guy who tried to meld Christianity and Eastern religions I talked about in the above-linked blog post about how I became a RSSB initiate.

Those were strange times. Not that things are less strange now. Life is just always strange. Which I consider to be a good thing.

Posted at 07:54 PM in Personal/Stories, Radha Soami Satsang Beas | Permalink
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Very nice and candid post, Brian. Still giving a good Satsang even if not “officially”.


Posted by: David Lane | March 02, 2019 at 11:46 PM

Brian - great pic mate, definitely Jesus like in a hippie kind of way. I’ve enjoyed reading some of Manjit’s recent posts, so here’s a good a place as any to post a response, I believe it has some relevance:
Hey Manjit! - Nice to hear from you again. You seem in fine form and still somewhat angsty in your criticism of comment on this blog, especially from Brian and Spencer. I tend to agree with you generally, though I’m definitely grateful that Brian started it and continues to allow fairly diverse comment. I also like his on-going interest in science’s investigation of consciousness and how it also can link with the various religious/spiritual/mystic traditions e.g. Buddhism. One could argue that things keep getting bogged down in discussion of issues pertaining to RSSB and the current guru. However, many of us having formerly been associated with RSSB can’t help but be interested in what’s unfolding before our eyes. I’ve also enjoyed Spencer’s ongoing input particularly his explanations of all the apparent financial misdoings in the RSSB camp.
In regard to Spencer’s comments re his meditational experience etc he does say it’s all subjective, which is fair enough imo. However, the big question for me has to be ‘Who is it that’s having the experience?’ I believe getting clear understanding of and potentially answering this question is at the core of a lot of what is discussed on this blog.
Thus far, for me the most ‘meaningful’ experiences have involved loss of self or alternately expansion of ‘consciousness’ to become more of a ‘Self’. I would call some of my present experience more like being ‘a body in consciousness’ rather than ‘consciousness in a body’. I have to say the teachings of Nisargadatta have helped to mould this view. Interestingly the two quotes you recently gave from ‘I am That’ are book-marked in my copy - I checked, especially the Radha Soami faith bit. While I’d been aware of Nisargadatta years earlier, I found the book to be a bit of a life-saver. My wife and I were waiting in the cool and relative peace of Udaipur airport, waiting for a flight to Mumbai. It was 2009 and marked a time when I needed something to clarify thinking about my own experience and connection with RSSB - time to finalise the disentanglement from the dogma and increasingly rigid belief system (we’d just had our last visit to Dera). The book is a gem.
I posted a comment to Sonya the other day (possibly as an attempt to change the subject a bit) and talked about an interesting article I recently read in a magazine called Nexus on the ‘Refresh Rate of Reality’. It discusses things like time capsules, consciousness, unreality of particles, parallel realities and particularly ideas of Continual Creation. To quote: ‘the world is endlessly emerging into existence-coming into being afresh at every instant with new and distinct configurations, which emerge smoothly and incredibly rapidly… with each distinct state being utterly static… If we consider the analogy of the frames of a film. Every frame is utterly static and already exists prior to viewing. Projecting the story corresponds to the time capsule idea [see Barbour’s book End of Time].If the viewer is completely lost in the story, the images are sequentially emerging from his point of view,, corresponding to continuous creation’ (Solomon in Nexus Feb-March 2019 p. 50).
I read this a couple of days back:
‘.. Your beingness is like a tape recorder or a film in which all this has already been recorded and is being projected in the waking state, sleep, meditation or whatever, but the primary condition is the “I” consciousness. When you get this Self knowledge and abide in the quietude, you will realise that all the universes are already present in this atomic consciousness…’ (Nisargadatta, Seeds of Consciousness p. 120).
Pretty similar in my view. Transcribed in the late 70’s I think. What a cool old dude he was.
Best wishes

Posted by: Tim Rimmer | March 03, 2019 at 12:14 AM

@ David Lane - hello

What is your take on all of this? Do you still go to Beas?

Posted by: Arjuna | March 03, 2019 at 01:59 AM

Hey Tim!

Thanks for your fascinating, very considerate, pleasant & balanced post - I enjoyed reading it!

I have to say, I am entirely disarmed by what I consider to be genuine, sincere & raw posts & posters, not guarded by pretence or posturing. I read your comments like that, as I do David Lane's. I feel unable to put up any pretence in response, so "real" discussions can begin :)

You write my comments have been "angsty" in my criticism of this blog and comments. I am entirely aware that the tone, direction & motivation of my posts can be interpreted in a variety of ways, many not so pretty, and I am never going to make many friends, pro or sceptic :)

But before I go any further, can I please paste this from a comment I left on this blog in June 2018:

"Finally, personally I find the real long-lasting value of this blog and the RSS forum is twofold. They are the ONLY 2 places, worldwide, where people can share critical opinions, experiences and theories about RS. That is an immensely valuable & precious space to have (for potential reasons that I suspect are too subtle to explain here) - and for that I bow to both Brian Hines & David Lane (and current RSS mod. James Bean) from my heart. They have done a tremendous "seva" (not to a specific guru or group, but to the universe itself, which is real "seva" imo). Secondly, it gives a space to those disaffected or disenchanted with RSS to meet and discuss with like minded individuals. Again, on a purely psychological level, that is a breath-takingly beautiful space to have.

And, again, there are only TWO places worldwide that can occur. Beautiful Thank you Brian Hines & David Lane for being the wild frontier men (or women) we needed!"


I have heaped similar praise on Brian and this blog on several other occassions, and going back almost to it's inception - even whilst fundamentally disagreeing with the sub-text of much of what Brian promotes (specifically, reductive materialism, atheism, nihilism, futility, and an overly-unbalanced criticism of RS, RSSB, religion and mysticism in general).

I am profoundly and deeply aware my criticisms, and "angsty" tone will be off-putting to many, especially those who are in complete agreement with Brian or other commenters, and will result in assumptions about my character, motivations etc. For example, when I criticise Gurinder, I am an exer, when I criticise the incoherency of reductive materialism, I am a "True Believer" (something he has called me several times over several years, but I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to be believing....I cannot locate any beliefs in my head! :). But without spending too long defending myself, can I just suggest that sometimes a discussion is moved forward far faster by blunt, direct & perceivably "rude" comments than all the pretence and merry-go-round that often occurs, when the real issues of importance are often avoided or even unrecognised, hidden behind huge constructed walls of egoic narrative that merely avoid, deflect, project etc. Sometimes a good old shake-up of the box can reveal some plesant surprises lurking at the bottom......that brief, directed act of violence can reveal new possibilities within our conceptual and emotional mind-space, imo. It is not violence for violence's sake, but to construct new possibilities, new discussions...and a new balance. I will say one thing, though, on a personal level - and I know this to be completely true to my very core, though I am certain most will not even be able to believe this - I have absolutely no interest in the personalities of this blog or forum, including my own. In fact, I'm not even sure if any of us exist :) All of this is occurring like a discussion within my own head......I do not and have not ever written a comment to anyone that I would not write or ask of myself in my own head about my own beliefs, experiences, emotions, motivations etc. My only interest - my entire life - has been to understand "truth". Take that with a pinch of salt if you wish :)

Anyway, moving beyond the mechanics and motivations of how and why we post, I found your all-too-brief recollection of your personal history with RS and reading I AM THAT very interesting.....if you could expand that to about 100 pages I would gladly drop everything today and read that!

Yes - as Niz says, it inevitably must come back to our "self", there is literally nothing else we can be certain of or rely on. In my experience, at very deep stages, all dualistic, visionary, ecstatic etc phenomena.....even the very body as you say........is within consciousness. You put it very beautifully: " I would call some of my present experience more like being ‘a body in consciousness’ rather than ‘consciousness in a body’.".

Hey, I posted this over at Radhasoamistudies forum yesterday - hey Tim, are you from the UK? You have the UK vibe (in a very positive way....no BS) about you?! :). I spent a day with Jens a few years ago meditating and talking. He is an extremely nice guy and I am entirely certain everything he recounts in this audio interview is his personal truth and direct experience. I also agree with his ultimate vision. I think it perhaps bridges this "One Self" within which all visions, regions, experiences arise, and the practice of inner light & sound meditation. Very, very highly recommended for anyone with an interest in light & sound meditation, enlightenment, inner experience etc:


It's interesting to me you used the words "I found the book to be a bit of a life-saver." about Niz'sIAT. You probably haven't read my "bio" (:-) stories at RSS forum, but for me I became disillusioned with RS theology (was never initiated though, was too young at the time) and went through a few years of a "dark night of the soul", followed by spontaneous (and at the time, completely un-understood.....still don't to be fair :) "kundalini" and "non-dual" awakenings .......I have often said the book "Talks with Ramana Maharshi" were a bit of a life saver. That book, and the "vibe" of Ramana Maharshi I got through it, totally soothed, guided and comforted me etc (where the literature of RS now seemed like complete hollow dross!), and was far more of a practical guru to me than Gurinder or anything within the RSSB organisation was

There is a pattern here, I sense......of doctrines that foster dependency, and those that liberate us from them (from dogma, from fear, from inadequacy etc) by making us familiar with the our very own "self" rather than external factors, subject to corruption and decay.....

Loved the Nexus quote - reminds me of the concept of "annica" in buddhism.......you're probably aware that the direct, experiential insight of this reality (of distinct and discrete "bits" of reality" rapidly flickering to create the illusion of a continuous reality, a continuous "self" etc) is a fundamental aspect of the path of Vipassana meditation, and is experienced by thousands if not millions of people worldwide?

I think it's already been discussed here with yourself (and Jen and others?), but have you read or heard any of the youtubes or books of Tom Campbell and Anthony Peake? Give them a youtube search when you're looking for something to listen to if you haven't, I think you'd appreciate some of their stuff......there's tons of it too! They're all into this discrete bits of reality, Bostrum's stimulated reality etc.

Cheers Tim for your interesting & thoughtful comments!


Posted by: manjit | March 03, 2019 at 03:22 AM

This might survive the gollem's excommunications some hours

I can an could not judge the faqir

I said and u can google it that he shouldn't gossip and slander "Holy People"
Even when he had some psychedilic events
he couldn't judge

The fact you brought him in the states doesn't change that

It's risky to slander , . . . ALWAYS


Posted by: 777 | March 03, 2019 at 03:52 AM

Slander and even simple gossip
brings definitely the bad karma of the accused on your shoulders
and pushes the eventual good karma of the slanderer
to the victim

Source. : Charan JI


Specially if done in an organized ( blog ) way. INCITEMENTS
Posted by: 777 | March 03, 2019 at 03:58 AM

777 wrote: "gollem's"

Hey 777.

How about this for a plan?:

Write a heart-felt email or blog to the owner of this bloh, apologising for past impropriety, insults, misunderstands etc, with a future promise to:

Stop calling the owner of this blog a "gollem".

Stop referencing people's personal health problems, shared with admirable vulnerability and openness, as if you're taunting them.

Stop hinting the there will be divine wrath and judgement on the owner of the blog, or any commentators, just because YOU'VE been offended.

Stop hinting you know of the negative future outcomes of people as if you have some sort of magical insight. You don't.

Stop mentioning personal things of no relevance to an argument - especially about the blog owner! That is cult like stalking behaviour.

Perhaps then, dear 777, you can have your "precious" back, and be allowed to post here so you can get all the attention & exposure to readers you seem to desire?


Posted by: manjit | March 03, 2019 at 04:53 AM

Gollum. Even he had a purpose albeit his own destruction in the end. Everyone has a part to play but none of us know the end.

Great movies nevertheless.

Posted by: Arjuna | March 03, 2019 at 06:57 AM

Thank You Arjuna for the correction
I read Tolkien s books - Didn't see the movies
I was afraid the movies would diminish my mêmes

Please read some more of me
We are all gollums and most of us deny that
but there are some excessive cases

Even the gollum had no real pleasure in his actions

My Guide in writing is the Anahabad Shabd
It swells when a phrase is appreciated

You "corrected" me on the faqir
I answered
Do you agree ?


Posted by: 777 | March 03, 2019 at 07:33 AM

Stop hinting the there will be divine wrath and judgement on the owner of the blog, or any commentators, just because YOU'VE been offended.

I didn't
There is no wrath, . . never
There is only KARMA
That's all
Karma is no wrath but minimum events for mêmes correction
We all should honestly analyse our mêmes
( what DrPhil calls : "Internal Dialogue" )
and we know it


Posted by: 777 | March 03, 2019 at 07:40 AM

Also and I guess you know that
The judge will be a higher level of ourself when the molecules are away
longue before Oneness
or earlier in real contemplation, . . hopefully meditation


Posted by: 777 | March 03, 2019 at 07:45 AM

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Spence Tepper

Hi 777
While Atheist N Believer is a humble site with few rules, and your views are most welcome, I'm curious to hear your rationale for copying and pasting pages of dialogue from Brian's site here?

The two sites have two different functions. And these very long copy and pastes you are doing are readily skipped by a casual viewer. We are seeing things out of context and it is difficult to understand.

I would like to encourage you to boil these various views down into a few clear statements of your point of view.

The more you focus on what you believe to be the truth, they less finger pointing and criticizing of others you will need to do.

The reason Brian's site becomes contentious is the fault of believers who engage the Atheists there, at that site for Atheists. So then who is to blame for the contentious debates? Of course, the instigators. Those who hold spiritual beliefs and elect to voice them in direct conflict with the Atheists who are there to help each other as Atheists.

Now take a look at Atheist N Believer. Atheists aren't coming here to challenge with insult and contention the views of believers.

So you have a free and unincombered space here to say what you believe without having to argue against anyone.

Such argument pulls the height of spiritual and philosophical expression down to the egotism of arguing our chosen views which become nothing more than self - justification of our attachment to our position, and insult to the others.

I do not believe correcting each other or debate ever rises above the negativity of ego.

But here we may choose pure humble expression for the gifts of life and insight.

Please consider adopting this approach and leave off copying other's views with which you do not agree.




paste/copy is for those denied to read my answers
often to their comments like Manjit

here is the last


attention : " I know words". "U do not. "
Be blessed to avoid your readers confusing

it wrote :
""""" So generally I also delete comments that mention 777
to avoid confusing people reading comments """""

Like XI. deleting Facebook


Now w'r sure

Posted by: 777 | March 04, 2019 at 07:59 AM

Your comment has been posted. Post another comment



is a poisoned cadeau
gollum prevents easy writing
which could be more realistic if it opened the same chapters here

it is almost impossible for gollums readers to come here
If he was honest, he would refer to this link
like he is doing to his Salem Or blog

Now new specially new readersout all this

I should have left me alone
and sleep better



he should have left me alone


copy of a Holy External Miracle
David Lane wrote:

Just a clarification to Spencer,

I meant to write "Well, the Chandian Effect is just one aspect and I certainly would NOT want to argue that it is the be-all and end-all explanation of internal manifestations, etc. Though I do think that it explains much about why our own intense desires are the modus operandi behind why such manifestations arise.

Posted by: David Lane | March 04, 2019 at 11:58 PM

@dear david ( copy past quickly , this might save your Soul, as they say: but it's a wrong expression)

When I visited with my wife Mr. Doctor Piet Romein in Zeist, Netherlands
about half a century ago
and got a complete explanation about bees ( he was n Imker)
next a cup of tea inside and cookies,
where the big portraits of Sri Yuketsar and Yogananda were on the walls
and He was representative of the Yogananda Self Realisation Fellowship
that we wanted to join, . . .

and then he refused us
giving us the adrress of Mrs Sankrit Doctor Nel Kuis in Bilthoven, 30 KM further on
ao we went there
and I described that already in a comment

She was Radha Soami Initiated after a whole long life being
secretary of Krishnamurti

Here is what my wife heard internally from Charan Now

That it was HE (Charan) who told about the bees , presenting Himself as Piet Romein

This makes sense because I met Piet later and this High IQ Doctor in Psychology
couldn't remember that visit at all, . . . Not at all

And my wife , NOW and when she was 20
a Diva first degree, . . nobody ever forget having seen her
We were a whole 45 minutes in that dutch ashram with Piet

So, 45 minutes with the SatGuru. WOW

google further church_etc 777 VIVALDI for more info about external experiences


copy this before extermination / if not visit the pure blog

Hail to Radha Soami Satsang Beas

Posted by: 777 | March 05, 2019 at 03:35 AM

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some copy
achieve the vibrations of your higher spiritual nature. You have advanced to the level where you are at, because you have successfully removed the obstacles that anchor most other people to organic human consciousness.
Posted by: Jim Sutherland | March 06, 2019 at 06:49 AM
PARTY,....not Patty
Posted by: Jim Sutherland | March 06, 2019 at 06:51 AM
A man's beauty is in his tongue.
Posted by: 777 | March 06, 2019 at 07:29 AM
perhaps a few minutes to say "Hello"
Don't answer , . . it will eradicate your words

Posted by: 777 | March 06, 2019 at 07:31 AM
@Jim. Old Friend with a rather pure heart
Better then mine.
I reading now yr comment above
I guess you know the link to Alcatraz , a l Papillon film. ( with Steve McQueen
i m 82 almost. - can't remember that island ))
See U later

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